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Tag: evolution

Two Simple Clues to Discern Your Inner Wisdom From Your Human Emotions

Two Simple Clues to Discern Your Inner Wisdom From Your Human Emotions

Manifesting kindness and compassion is always what your inner guidance will help you do.  But not your human reactions.  So, how to tell the soft voice of your inner wisdom from the reactions coming from your human emotions? In this message, I will give you two simple signs to recognize the voice of your spiritual heart. The Different Dimensions of the Heart The word “heart” can refer to many things, so it is important to be clear about which level…

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Why Manifesting Kindness and Compassion Is Essential for Your Spiritual Life and for This World

Why Manifesting Kindness and Compassion Is Essential for Your Spiritual Life and for This World

Manifesting kindness and compassion is essential for your own spiritual growth, as well as for the evolution of humanity. Up to now, human civilization has not been very evolved, spiritually. We manifest war, lies, manipulation, corruption, greed, as well as other symptoms of the primitive state of our society. So many humans are not able to behave honestly and peacefully that we need armies and police and put locks and alarm systems everywhere. Spiritual development and maturity, ultimately, are genuine…

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